Western Union Celebrates 160th Year with Your World
On it's 160th year anniversary, the world leading company in money transfer, Western Union, opens up everyone's world and connection with the release of an online application that will help you recognize how globally connected you are - Your World!
With this application, Western Union announced it's hunt for the most networked individual in the world. And with the Philippines' status when it comes to online connectivity, Western Union is hoping that every Pinoy will hook up to this application to tell the world that we, Filipinos, have the most geographically connected nation.
On it's bloggers' launch that I got to attend last week, I got to get first-hand information about this interesting application that is connected to the world's most popular networking site, the Facebook.
By just visiting the site www.westernunionworld.com/yourworld, you can check how globally connected you are. Click on the tab "Your World", log in with your Facebook account, and voila, the system will automatically review each of your contact and distinguish what country they are currently located.
I currently have friends from 22 countries, and with these number of countries multiplied to the number of the contacts staying on those counties, I was able to get World Index. The World Index determines how globally connected I am. ^_^ Genius, right?
Well, aside from this amazing feature, Your World has also "Our History" and "Our World". So if you are into World History and Current Events, this is great for you! And I'm sure this will be a great tool to students who are into Social Studies too! Also along with the information on these tabs are some of the important facts and figures of Western Union too! ^_^
And to co-celebrate the 160th year of Western Union and the creation of this amazing Your World, Recycle Bin of a Middle Child will be holding my FIRST-EVER BLOG CONTEST sponsored by Western Union!! Wee!!! So I hope that you'd join my contest! The mechanics will be easy, promise! ^_^ And the prize will be great! ^_^
To Western Union, a big congratulations on your 160th year!
May you have more years in the business! You've been a great help to everyone, really!
With this application, Western Union announced it's hunt for the most networked individual in the world. And with the Philippines' status when it comes to online connectivity, Western Union is hoping that every Pinoy will hook up to this application to tell the world that we, Filipinos, have the most geographically connected nation.
On it's bloggers' launch that I got to attend last week, I got to get first-hand information about this interesting application that is connected to the world's most popular networking site, the Facebook.
By just visiting the site www.westernunionworld.com/yourworld, you can check how globally connected you are. Click on the tab "Your World", log in with your Facebook account, and voila, the system will automatically review each of your contact and distinguish what country they are currently located.
I currently have friends from 22 countries, and with these number of countries multiplied to the number of the contacts staying on those counties, I was able to get World Index. The World Index determines how globally connected I am. ^_^ Genius, right?
Well, aside from this amazing feature, Your World has also "Our History" and "Our World". So if you are into World History and Current Events, this is great for you! And I'm sure this will be a great tool to students who are into Social Studies too! Also along with the information on these tabs are some of the important facts and figures of Western Union too! ^_^
And to co-celebrate the 160th year of Western Union and the creation of this amazing Your World, Recycle Bin of a Middle Child will be holding my FIRST-EVER BLOG CONTEST sponsored by Western Union!! Wee!!! So I hope that you'd join my contest! The mechanics will be easy, promise! ^_^ And the prize will be great! ^_^
To Western Union, a big congratulations on your 160th year!
May you have more years in the business! You've been a great help to everyone, really!
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