Shell Eco-Marathon 2011 Simulation Run

I was invited to check out Batangas Racing Circuit early this month to see the seven vehicles that Pilipinas Shell will be sending to the 2011 Shell Eco-Marathon Asia at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia this coming July. Little do I know, I will not just see seven awesome student-made vehicles but rather camaraderie and talent that these young Pinoys have.

And with that, let me say that  I'm really proud to be a Pinoy.

For those who have no idea about Shell Eco-Marathon, it is an annual platform that aims to inspire innovation and environmental responsibility in today's generation. And this year, on its second year, Shell Eco Marathon Asia is taking seven teams of engineering students from six of our country's top universities to compete with other teams from the different top universities in Asia for the challenge of designing, building and driving a vehicle that can travel the farthest distance with the least amount of fuel consumed and with the lowest possible CO2 emissions.

Philippines' seven vehicles are crafted by students and professors from De La Salle University (DLSU), Don Bosco Technical Institute, Mapua Institute of Technology, Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP), University of Santo Tomas (UST) and University of the Philippines (UP).

De La Salle University

 Don Bosco Technical Institute

Mapua Institute of Technology

Technological Institute of the Philippines

University of Santo Tomas

University of the Philippines

These vehicles fall on two categories, the Futuristic Prototypes, which are made for the more streamlined and aerodynamic design, and the Urban Concepts, which are made for the more practical, four-wheeled designs.

This DLSU vehicle is running with electricity - a Futuristic Prototype car.

While this UP's entry is a diesel hybrid - a Futuristic Prototype car too.

The rest of the vehicle designs from the other teams are using gasoline.

You can catch these amazing cars together with a hundred more vehicles created by other students from the different universities in Asia this coming July 6 to 9, 2011 at Sepang International Circuit, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

You can also get updates of this upcoming Earth-friendly competition through this website -

Let's support and be proud of our future engineers!
And let's keep our planet healthy and strong!

Good luck and God bless to all of you, guys!

1 comment

SunnyToast said...

sana my mga close pic ka sa mga sasakyan:)

we should be proud to be pinoy!:)