Uncle Cheffy in the House!

I’m so excited when I got an invite to attend a bloggers affair in Eastwood, and what excites me more was when they told us that we’re going to visit their new mall and have a dinner to one of the most visited and authentic classy Pinoy restaurant – Uncle Cheffy.

Located at the second floor, far end of the of the Eastwood Mall, this place was, believe it or not, was the most visited resto in the area. And that’s not something I have doubt because when I dined and experienced their brick-oven panizza, one word, PERFECTO!

Panizza is a pan style pizza with garnishes that will make your pizza eating more fun and exciting.

Okay, to start sharing to you guys this wonderful experience; we first had the mouth-watering Grilled Prawns and Pomelo Salad.

Grilled Prawns and Pomelo Salad – Php295.00/Php495.00

The crispy veggies and the grilled prawns were tossed perfectly to its dressing making it the best salad ever!

Then, we were also presented with Uncle Cheffy Salad.

Uncle Cheffy Salad – Php230.00/Php495.00

What I love about this next salad was the crispy pork belly, it adds a little crunchiness to the dish making this whole piece really yummy.

For our main course, first, we had this special rice.

Special Rice – Php95.00
This special rice was similar to Kuse’s  Dulong Rice. It has fried dulong fishes in it adding a little crunch and saltiness to this delicious rice dish.

We also had a pasta dish that night, the Alejandro Spaghetti.

Spaghetti Alejandro - Php350.00

This is a Spanish inspires pasta that’s a little sweet and kinda cheesy. Kids will love this one because it wasn’t that sour and the ingredients were kinda like your favourite spaghetti pasta from your favourite fast-food restaurant.

And the following foodies you are about to see are the best dishes from Uncle Cheffy that will surely crave you for more.

Memphis Barbeque U.S Beef Rib Finger – Php595.00

This dish is good for four to five persons, and with its price, I found it really affordable considering the finger-licking taste of this dish. I highly recommend that you try this one.

Garlic Studded Pork Belly Lechon – Php95.00 per 100 grams

This dish was quite similar to our traditional Lechon Kawali. The only difference, I think, was this dish; especially the pork skin remained crunchy even after exposed to the air for more than an hour. The nice combination of sweet potato balls and the sauce compliments to taste of this all-time favourite dish.

Thai Styled Fried Pla Pla – Php295.00

This next dish was simply amazing for me. I love eating fish, and this one was really good. The yummy tender fish meat was flavoured and glamoured really well with its Thai style of cooking.

Oh, as I said we had a wonderful dinner that night, and the dinner didn’t stop here. Here are the dishes that made Uncle Cheffy really popular and lover.

Presenting the Panizza!

All Meat Barbequed Panizza – Php450.00

East Meets West Panizza – Php495.00

Seafood Lover’s Panizza – Php425.00

Uncle Cheffy Favourites Panizza – Php395.00

And my verdict – DELICIOUS AND FUN!
Though, I believe that this is not an original dish, I still enjoyed eating them. You can eat it without garnishes or enjoy it more with a sprinkle of every garnish. It’s like playing “Bahay-Bahayan” and “Luto-Lutuan”. Wee! My most favourite was the All Meat barbequed Panizza because the sweet taste of the meat blended really well with the fresh garnishes.

After savouring all of these wonderful dishes for main course, I let it settle down in my stomach with the help of Ripe Mango Shake.

Ripe Mango Shake – Php110.00

Then, we’re ready for dessert! Lols.

For our dessert, since we are all full, we just ordered these dishes:

Chocolate Roulade – Php135.00

It was like eating a fruit salad which was injected to this chocolate roll cake. It’s really tasty and sweet.

Chocolate Parfait – Php95.00

It was a delicious chocolate parfait wrapped in very tasty pandan crepe. I really love how the crepe tasted, the pandan flavour was blended nicely to the pancake ingredients. And to me, this was presented beautifully.

Sweet Potato Cr̬me Brulee РPhp95.00

This one was also delicious, but I find the sweet potato kinda bland, I dunno, maybe because I’ve had a lot, but the crème brulee part was perfectly presented and delectable. maybe the sweet potato was intentionally made it taste like that to balanced the whole flavor of this dish.

Panacotta with Ube Vichyssoise – Php110.00

I can have this all day. The panacotta was really delicious. I love the sweet and sour blend of the cream, milk and sugar on this one. I really, really, liked it. The ube vichyssoise made the panacotta more flavourful making the best dessert for me that night.

Oh, this has been a night I wouldn’t forget. This whole dining experience was two thumbs up for me. From the location of the Uncle Cheffy, to the interior of the restaurants, to the staff and how they served us, to the wonderful and fun dishes presented to us.

Now, I must say that I’m a fan of Uncle Cheffy. I love you, Uncle Cheffy!

Uncle Cheffy
2nd Floor Eastwood Mall
Eastwood City, Libis, Quezon City

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