“Does the new EPR law apply only to plastic manufacturers?” “Are
companies in the Clark FreePort Zone exempt?” “Are there any tax incentives?” “Are
we allowed to credit any excess recovery from 2023 to our 2024 plastic
It’s been 11 months since regulations on how to implement Philippines'
new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Law were unveiled. While many
companies are making progress on plans to take responsibility for the plastic
they put out into the world, many more are grappling with questions on who and
what exactly is covered under the law, and how they can fulfil their
Republic Act (RA) 11898 or the Extended Producers Responsibility Act
lapsed into law at the tail-end of the Duterte Administration. The landmark
Philippine EPR Act compels large corporations to recover or divert at least 20
percent of their plastic packaging footprint by the end of 2023; then 40
percent by next year, and then increasing by 10 percent every year until at
least 80 percent is recovered or diverted by 2028.

To help raise awareness, educate stakeholders and boost compliance with the
EPR law, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) teamed up
with the Philippine Stock Exchange and PCX, a leading plastic responsibility
platform, to host an ‘ask me anything’ webinar for listed companies. Executives
from numerous publicly listed companies attended the event, which is part of an
ongoing series of information and education programs conducted by DENR.
“The message today really revolves around the concept of what’s called a
circular economy. And I say circular in the sense of sustainability,” said
Atty. Roel Refran, Chief
Operating Officer at The Philippine Stock Exchange. “We all know about the
global warming problem, the climate risk, the physical pollution risk, and it’s
for us to mitigate and to pass solutions and not just problems to the next
Engr. Esperanza Sajul, DENR-Environmental
Management Bureau Assistant Director, assured that the DENR will exert every
effort possible to help adapt and comply with the EPR law. The DENR information
sessions include strategies that could be implemented within the EPR program,
spanning from plastic footprint reduction to recovery and diversion, such as
guidelines for retailers who want to set up product refilling systems for
everything from groceries to soap and shampoo. Sajul addressed both upstream
and downstream solutions, including plastic credits, in which a company can
meet their recovery targets under the law, by funding organisations that
collect post-consumer plastics from nature, and divert these to environmentally
responsible processing methods and facilities.
The DENR-EMB executive also clarified that the law applies to all
‘obliged enterprises’, which are defined as companies who are brand owners or
product manufacturers or importers who generate plastic packaging waste, with
total assets of over Php 100 million, excluding land. This means that even
companies in special economic zones have to comply with the law.To know if you
are an Obliged Enterprise covered by the EPR law, click
“Currently, there are about 745 obliged enterprises that have submitted
their EPR programs for evaluation by our office, either individually, collectively,
or through their authorised Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO). We are
expecting more to submit their programs as they become more aware of the modes
of implementation available to them under the law,” Sajul said. To watch the
EPR explainer video she shared, click here.
Meg Santos, Regional Sustainability Lead at PCX, which is classified by
the DENR as a Producer Responsibility Organization, noted the company can
support obliged enterprises across all aspects of their journey towards plastic
responsibility, from assessing their plastic footprint to strategizing
reduction programs, and to connecting them with an ecosystem of projects aimed
at collecting, transporting and responsibly processing plastic waste.
“Let’s work together to find solutions - because like it or not, failure
is not an option for us,” added Atty. Refran.
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