Biggest MPL-KH Rivals See You Soon and Burn X Flash to meet again on Playoffs Day 2!
Four strong Khmer teams have showcased their gaming prowess today proving to the world that they've got what it takes to #FightForTheKingdom.
The opener between See You Soon (SYS) and PRO Esports (PRO) was nothing short of exciting. In the match point between the two (SYS 3:1 PRO), PRO Esports' ARIES exhibited his mastery of Khaleed, recording the playoffs season's first-ever Maniac. Nevertheless, the team still stumbled and had to undergo another grueling match on the day.
Team Max (MAX) proved doubters wrong as they almost swept D-Roar Legends (DRL) in their best-of-five series that ended in 3:1 in favor of MAX. DRL and PRO had their unfortunate runs and settled for 5th and 6th finishes, respectively.
Tomorrow at 11:00 am, MAX is set to continue its playoff journey with a match against CFU Gaming (CFU). Back-to-back MPL-KH champions and current title holder Burn X Flash (BXF) will duke it out against See You Soon at 13:00. Either team is projected to win the season, but fans will witness who gets the last laugh.
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