Winning Entries of Ajinomoto’s first-ever 'Sustainabilidad Challenge'
Ajinomoto Philippines Corporation (APC) Group recently concluded
it’s first-ever #AjinomotoSustainAbilidadChallenge, an initiative that enjoined
Filipinos to share their do-it-yourself (DIY) sustainability projects. The
online challenge garnered a total of 243 entries. Five Facebook and five Tiktok participants
with the most creative application of the 3Rs of conservation - reduce, reuse,
recycle - were hailed as winners.
“Filipinos are resourceful and innovative. This campaign proves just how invested we are
when it comes to taking better care of our environment. We hope this campaign
further inspires individuals to live a more sustainable lifestyle at home,”
said Roann Co, Ajinomoto General Manager of Marketing and Public Relations.
DIY Projects to Try at Home
The five winning entries from Facebook include a project that turned used sachets of Ajinomoto products into a beautiful plastic curtain, as well as one that turned what would have been trash into a fully functioning and fashionable apron. Used cartons were also popular among participants, one turned into a doll house and another into a DIY toy kitchen for kids. Meanwhile, tabs collected from soft drink cans were transformed into a soda tabs gown.
Moreover, the entries submitted via Tiktok were equally inventive.
One of the winning entries turned an old electronic cartridge into a mini
amplifier, while another transformed old throw pillows into new, upcycled ones.
On the other hand, those working from home may be inspired by the following DIY
office organizers: plastic bottle pencil holders, carton storage box and tissue
box turned facemask container.
Each of the 10 winners will receive P2,000 worth of gift
certificate and other special items from APC Group. Special awards will also be given to entries
that garnered the most number of “likes.”
“It makes me glad and proud to see that the SustainAbilidad
Challenge was a success. Seeing all the creative DIY projects is truly
inspiring because it shows us how big of an impact small acts can do. It also
shows us that environmental sustainability really does begin at home,” said
Guia Cebrero, Ajinomoto Brand Manager, one of the contest judges.
The #AjinomotoSustainAbilildadChallenge is part of APC’s Ilabas ang SustainAbilidad environment
education campaign that was launched last year to help consumers incorporate
sustainable practices in their daily lives.
Moreover, showing its serious commitment to sustainability, APC
Group had earlier pledged to reduce its plastic waste to zero by 2030. The
organization has already reduced the size and thickness of its packaging that
led to lessening its plastic waste by 70-100 tons per year. The company has
also made use of waste water treatment facilities and technologies to convert
some of its factory materials to reusable fuel.
“The #AjinomotoSustainabilidadChallenge together with our other
green initiatives are all part of our company’s commitment to resolving social
issues through the Ajinomoto Group Creating Shared Value (ASV). We aim to
contribute greater health and environmental wellness for people around the
world.” Co remarked.
Visit COOKMUNITY by Ajinomoto Philippines Facebook page for more SustainAbilidad ideas and
inspirations in support of Global Sustainability.
The five winning entries from Facebook include a project that turned used sachets of Ajinomoto products into a beautiful plastic curtain, as well as one that turned what would have been trash into a fully functioning and fashionable apron. Used cartons were also popular among participants, one turned into a doll house and another into a DIY toy kitchen for kids. Meanwhile, tabs collected from soft drink cans were transformed into a soda tabs gown.
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