This Feeling
This Feeling (by Alex De Vera Dizon)
This is making me crazy
This is making me feel like a fool
I dunno if I should keep avoiding him
I dunno if I should I just keep seeing him from afar
The pain this feeling inflicts
It pierces not only my heart but also my soul
As the day and night pass by, the longing keeps on going
I want to know him more, I want him to know me more
I wish I’m brave enough to tell him
What I have in my mind, heart and soul
But I’m so scared that I might just be disappointed
I’m afraid that I might just hurt myself more
If this is love, then I guess I’m in love
I wanna see him more often, I wanna hear him more often
One day, eye to eye, face to face, I wish to talk to him
I wanna hold his hands, and talk more and even laugh
But the mere thought of it - it makes me tremble, it makes me
Oh, I’m crazy! What am I feeling? Why am I like this?
I’m not sure if I should just keep this feeling to myself
But I think that world already knows about it, I’m just
denying it to myself
Am I ready for this change? I don’t know.
But this feeling – I like it - a lot.
I’m not sure if he feels the same
I’m afraid to say I’m in LOVE but my heart knows what is this
I love him. I love you. Yes, I love you.
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