Affordable Pretty Bags from Bellissima Firenze

There are still a lot of people out there who are afraid of trying online shopping. I honestly can't blame them because there are times that the thing that they liked and bought online isn't the same with the thing that arrives in their homes or offices, which really pissed them off and realize that they just spent they hard-earned money on something that is so unworthy. Well, I'm glad that with my recent transaction with Bellissima Firenze, everything went smoothly and I received the sweet package in perfect and beautiful condition.

Bellissima Firenze is considered a new kid in town when it comes to online store. By being in the business for only a few months, a lot of online shoppers, specifically ladies who are looking for stylish but affordable bags, are so into the brand ordering not just one, not just two but a lot of their chic bags fit for very stylish Filipina in the country.

From hand bags, to sling bags, to the hobo bags, which is perfect for young ladies, to trapeze, speedy and doctor's bags that are into to fashion scene now, Bellissima Firenze has everything that's hip and in style for all ladies who are looking for a new bag brand to trust on.

And since I'm into style and design lately, and I'm also a huge bag lover, Bellissima Firenze didn't let the other gender be left behind. So, I didn't restrict myself from indulging on to their wonderful selections that I find really creative and stylish. And instead of just having one, I ordered two Bellissima Firenze satchels that can go along my crazy fashion sense. Wee!

These satchels only cost Php750.00. Though some may find it a little small with its 10-inch size, I believe Bellissima Firenze can customize the size of their bags according to your need or liking. I purchased the plain blue one, which I can use during the days that I'm into printed shirts, and the floral one, which is actually made of cloth, for the days that I feel down and tired. If you'll ask me which of these two I like the best, believe it or not, I find the floral one really appealing. And the texture, it speaks of a really well-made kind.

The two satchels that I have now have clean linings and impeccable stitching inside, which I sometimes don't see in other bag brands sold in shops. The strap has also a nice and secure look giving me more comfort and assurance that it will last longer than expected.

When it comes to transacting, I guess, it was one of the easiest transactions I ever did online. There's really no fuss and I was assured that my orders will be delivered the day after I confirmed and paid it. I also like that they use Xend, because I personally like the efficiency of Xend's service. My other clients also use Xend's service, so bravo for Bellissima Firenze for choosing it too.

But the best thing that I love about the brand, other than their stylish design and wonderful service, that will be the affordability of their products! Imagine, a nicely done bag that really, really looks expensive but only cost less than a thousand, where could you have that? Only at Bellissima Firenze.

It's owner Miss Florence "Ces" Nitafan is so friendly and east to talk too, so you won't have any problem dealing with the brand. And if you are "suki" I believe you can also ask her to design a bag just for you. Hehehe.

You can check out the whole collection as well as their latest items, including some other accessories on their Facebook Fan Page - can also contact Miss Ces at 0917-552-6987 fr reservation and other inquires.

What are you waiting for? Give in to those obsessions and enjoy these affordable pretty bags from Bellissima Firenze! Hahaha!

Thank you, MIss Ces and Belissima Firenze!
Happy shopping!

1 comment

edelweiza said...

Love your satchels! Bonggels! And it's true, Bellissimafirenze bags are affordable and pretty pa. :)