December 1 is World AIDS Day!

One advocacy the this middle child believes in is the fight against HIV/AIDS. And today, as the world sheds light to  the World AIDS Day, I hope with this tiny little blog that I have, I'll be able to inform you people about the truth and current standing of HIV/AIDS in our country.

To start off the awareness, one local NGO in our country, The Red Whistle Campaign of renowned photographer Niccolo Cosme takes the first step to fight and let every one be aware of the true condition of country about this virus.

It's true, it's real, it's ALARMING!

The fast rising numbers of victims of this infectious virus is alarming, and by this, The Red Whistle asks everyone to be vigilant and be cautious to stop the spread of this deadly disease.

Last week, yours truly and 249 other The Red Whistle armies were called to reunite and re-educate about the cause and effect of this alarming situation. Spearheaded by Niccolo Cosme, together with the AIDS Society of the Philippines and Sex and, we were treated to an afternoon of open-mindedness and reality of this devastating news.

Would you believe 8 persons a day get infected by this virus in our country?

But we shouldn't lose hope, as what they always say. We can still take control of the situation and together we can change the course of our lives and of the victims' lives if we just open our minds and help.

In line withe the gathering that we had, a Project Headshot Clinic was also held for the celebration of World AIDS Day.

The event wouldn't be as successful as it was without the generous help of our sponsors. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you guys for backing us up always!!!

Here's my headshot that I'll be happy to share.

You can also support this cause by visiting and following The Red Whistle Facebook fanpage. There's also The Red Whistle Twibbon now that you can add to your profile pictures to show your support to this cause.

Together we can! Blow now! Blow Harder! 
We need to Sound the alarm!

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