What's Your Banana Morning Motto?
As for me, since I'm on a tight diet to keep my weight in balance with my height, I have my banana habit every morning. Having fruit after a healthy breakfast is just what I need to keep me strong and on-the-go everyday!
Thank God, that there's a banana that we can bought and rely on from our favorite convenience store. And with DOLE® Banana, I'm keeping my physique in shape, as well as my system, healthy and tough!
And in line with this healthy habit, we, morning banana eaters, can have a chance to stay fit or have a relaxing day through DOLE's current Facebook contest.
The contest dubbed asDOLE® Banana Morning Promo is so easy to join in! And I know you'll enjoy it too!
All you have to do is buy a DOLE® Banana from your favorite store, write you favorite morning motto on it, take a photo of it, go to Facebook and 'like' DOLE Fresh Philippines page, hit the Banana Morning Motto Application, where you can upload you entry, and voila, you can be the next winners of this fabulous contest!
I've seen quite a lot of creative entries in the Banana Morning Gallery, and even though the contest is on its last week, I'm taking my chances of joining because I wanna win The Spa gift certificates. I've been there and I really love that place! And I wasn't lucky enough, trying out Zumba is fine with me, I've heard a lot of great stuff about that new hobby! ^_^
Here's my entry. and I hope you'll visit my link and LIKE it. ^_^ Pretty please!!! ^_^
For more details of this creative and inspiring contest, you can visit their FAQs page. ^_^
May we all have a great and inspiring morning everyday! ^_^
Have a DOLE® Banana every morning! ^_^
Happy eating!
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