The 7th Philippine Blogging Summit
If all of the bloggers who attended the iblog7 summit were overwhelmed by the informations and tips that they got from the distinguished speakers, well, I on the other hand, was more fascinated about the thought of having my second iblog shirt! Wee!
Okay, let me clear that. Some of you might thought that I just went there for the shirt. Hahaha!
This is my second iblog summit so I'm kinda aware on what to expect from this gathering. I know that I'll get more informations and tips on how to keep my blogs interesting for my readers and how to somehow get some extra income from it, but I was surprised when I got to listen to each presentation and gave me a heart-warming feel that blogging is still a passion more than a money-generating machine. And with that I really congratulate the team of iblog 7 for these well-chosen topics.
This year's iblog soar higher with more useful and most recent tips that bloggers all over the Philippines (or world) can use. I just got a chance to attend it's second day, so I kinda missed a lot, but nevertheless I still learned so much that inspires me more to blog and to share more.
There's Jeric Peña who talked about Podcasting.
The way he presented his topic was really good. He simplified things that a non-geek like me understood each item really well. Good job, Jeric!
Then, there's Roy Dela Cruz who's been the crowd's favourite that day - Writer's Block.
Who would've thought that a mind-boggling topic can be that fun to discuss, right? Mr. Roy, nice meeting you and congratulations!
Another speaker that I'm so eager to see his presentation was no other than the Thirsty Blogger himself Fitz Villafuerte.
I've known Fitz for quite some time now, his knowledge about financing and other money matters is really something, no wonder he was chosen to be this year's speaker. And sharing his experiences on without the use of his excellence in SEO and stuff was really helpful to bloggers like me who doesn't care and doesn't really know how SEO stuff works. ^_^
And my favourite talk that day, the one that is boggling my mind to come up with new and more personal blog until now - the Blogging, Social Networks, Online Relationships as Support System of Ria Tirazona.
I've known Ria, or Teacher Ria as I usually call her, for quite some time now, too. I've been reading her blogs from time to time and I'm honestly saying that I always get inspirations from her posts. And her last Saturday's presentation was, I think, the most eye-opener talk we've had.
How she talked and how she tackled each point in her presentation was something anyone would understand and feel because it really touched our hearts and minds, which I believe, one factor why we all blog or share stuff online.
Congrats and thank you, Teacher Ria!
And to all the organizers, speakers, hosts and guests, congratulations to all of us! See you again next year and I hope I'll get to know more bloggers! Thanks!
Thank you too for the yellow iblog shirt! ^_^ I'm keeping my iblog shirts as souvenirs. ^_^
P.S. I have this iblog topic in my mind, but I'm no expert about it. I need someone I can talk to about it, and hopefully, it'll be one of the topics on iblog8. ^_^
Okay, let me clear that. Some of you might thought that I just went there for the shirt. Hahaha!
This is my second iblog summit so I'm kinda aware on what to expect from this gathering. I know that I'll get more informations and tips on how to keep my blogs interesting for my readers and how to somehow get some extra income from it, but I was surprised when I got to listen to each presentation and gave me a heart-warming feel that blogging is still a passion more than a money-generating machine. And with that I really congratulate the team of iblog 7 for these well-chosen topics.
This year's iblog soar higher with more useful and most recent tips that bloggers all over the Philippines (or world) can use. I just got a chance to attend it's second day, so I kinda missed a lot, but nevertheless I still learned so much that inspires me more to blog and to share more.
There's Jeric Peña who talked about Podcasting.
The way he presented his topic was really good. He simplified things that a non-geek like me understood each item really well. Good job, Jeric!
Then, there's Roy Dela Cruz who's been the crowd's favourite that day - Writer's Block.
Who would've thought that a mind-boggling topic can be that fun to discuss, right? Mr. Roy, nice meeting you and congratulations!
Another speaker that I'm so eager to see his presentation was no other than the Thirsty Blogger himself Fitz Villafuerte.
I've known Fitz for quite some time now, his knowledge about financing and other money matters is really something, no wonder he was chosen to be this year's speaker. And sharing his experiences on without the use of his excellence in SEO and stuff was really helpful to bloggers like me who doesn't care and doesn't really know how SEO stuff works. ^_^
And my favourite talk that day, the one that is boggling my mind to come up with new and more personal blog until now - the Blogging, Social Networks, Online Relationships as Support System of Ria Tirazona.
I've known Ria, or Teacher Ria as I usually call her, for quite some time now, too. I've been reading her blogs from time to time and I'm honestly saying that I always get inspirations from her posts. And her last Saturday's presentation was, I think, the most eye-opener talk we've had.
How she talked and how she tackled each point in her presentation was something anyone would understand and feel because it really touched our hearts and minds, which I believe, one factor why we all blog or share stuff online.
Congrats and thank you, Teacher Ria!
And to all the organizers, speakers, hosts and guests, congratulations to all of us! See you again next year and I hope I'll get to know more bloggers! Thanks!
Thank you too for the yellow iblog shirt! ^_^ I'm keeping my iblog shirts as souvenirs. ^_^
P.S. I have this iblog topic in my mind, but I'm no expert about it. I need someone I can talk to about it, and hopefully, it'll be one of the topics on iblog8. ^_^
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